What's New


Hello, and a howdy too! New and improved in this site, you will find a candid photos section, with lots of groovy pictures from some of the jazz band's misc. events. Come back often to see what the jazz band has been up too. See astouding acts of fun, music, trips, and nudity? Yes, nudity! ;-)


Well, I've been mighty busy working on new and cool stuff for this web site, as well as the never ending work on the Jazz Band's soon to be released compact disc. This week you'll find several new sections.

First and foremost is the upcoming release of the Jazz Band's album "Tour '97". To commemorate this amazing event of modern day technology merging with classic music, I have posted the cover pict of the album here as well as a playlist of songs included on the album. Also coming soon, will be clickable links to all the songs on the album, allowing you to listen to and sample the first 30 seconds of each song.

Secondly, you may notice that at almost every page now, a midi file loads and plays a song by a jazz great. These are all songs which the jazz band has played during the past several years, and although I would love to put digitized sounds up of the jazz band playing, not only is this impracticle to record, but also would take up hundreds of megabytes of disk space, so midi it is.

Thirdly, I finally got most of the pictures of the 1996-1997 jazz band members, where they can be found here. I don't have a good one of all of them yet, but I'm working on it.

Fourthly, this what's new section is new. ;-)

And last but not least, you will soon be able to find candid shots of the jazz band, an updated links page, and more updated information on the jazz band and just what it is they do.

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