Photos by Sam Ulroan, and Cultural Heritage
The upper bow, or ukinqucuk,in traditional form is fastened at the top of the amuvik. It is also tenoned lower down to the amuvik and lashed where the gunwales and lower bow meet. This frame was made by several Chevak elders, including Joe Friday, Ulrich Nayamin, David Boyscout and ...............?...........
Same idea using modern materials. The ukinqucuk is Bruynzeel plywood,
but still lashed and tenoned.
The "rails" along the deck ridge pad the thinner plywood out to deckridge
thickness.Note that the keel is notch scarfed into the amuvik. The deckridge
is notched into the ukinqucuk but is hidden by the rails. The lashing
at the rear of the ukinqucuk holds the piece from moving up or from side
to side, and also helps hold the gunwales ends together.