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Minutes of the Regular Meeting

August 23, 2000


Call to order and confirmation of a quorum.

The meeting was called to order at 2:03P.M. in the Port conference room by Bob Gamble, Chairman.  A quorum was present.  Attending were: Bob Gamble, Pete Walmsley, Al Edwards, Gary Abood, Duane Lunde, Bea vonTobel, Joe Heagney, Cathy Vierthaler, Julie Schwartz.


Approval of minutes.

Hopkins moved to accept the minutes of the August 10, 2000 meeting as written.  Gamble seconded, and the motion was unanimously carried.


Public access time.

Cathy Vierthaler presented materials gleaned from Internet searches regarding deer strikes and fence strikes at airports.  These materials were added to the file for informational use of the public and the Commissioners.


Communications and Airport Manager’s Report

The Airport Manager presented communications from The Island’s Weekly; Mal Gross; Joe Heagney.


The Airport Manager reported on: 1)Hangar land site preparation financial options (postponed to unfinished business); 2) Proposed visit by John Ikeda, FAA Civil Engineer, on August 24.


Unfinished Business

1.  Perimeter fence; continued discussion.  The Airport Manager presented a summary of information for the proposed perimeter fence, which included a documentary summary and a chronological summary.   After much discussion, Walmsley moved, Abood seconded erection of a 5’ field fence for wildlife control, subject to FAA approval and funding and Commission approval of design.  Abood,Walmsley yea; Gamble, Hopkins nay.  Motion failed.

Gamble moved, Hopkins seconded asking Port Counsel for an opinion relative to   prescriptive easements to Port property.  Motion was unanimously carried.  Discussion was scheduled to continue at the next meeting.


2.   Private property settlement document; continued discussion.  After much discussion,   Abood moved to vote on the original private property access proposal at the October 26 regular meeting.  Motion failed for lack of a second.


3. 2001 Budget; Finance Committee report, discussion, and work session schedule.  Commissioners Abood and Walmsley presented spreadsheets representing an operating context model, a compliance model and a planning model.  The Airport Manager’s report on hangar land site preparation options was scheduled to be merged into these scenarios and discussion was scheduled to continue at the next meeting.


New Business

1.  GPS approach.  No report.


Approval of Payroll or Vouchers

Edwards moved, Abood seconded approval of the August 2000 payroll in the amount of  $5198.62.  Motion was unanimously carried.


Adjournment and Next Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Commission was scheduled for 7:30P.M. September 14, 2000 in the Port conference room.

Chairman Gamble adjourned the meeting at 4:40P.M.



These minutes were approved and signed on September 14, 2000.  The original document is retained in the permanent proceeding file.  Attest:  Bea vonTobel, Operations Assistant.