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Minutes of the Regular Meeting

September 14, 2000


Call to order and confirmation of a quorum

The meeting was called to order at  7:40 P.M. in the Port conference room by Bob Gamble, Chairman.  A quorum was present.  Attending were: Bob Gamble, Steve Hopkins, Al Edwards, Gary Abood (arrived 30 minutes late), Duane Lunde, Bea vonTobel, Judi Watson, Andy Nelson, Paul Vierthaler, Cathy Vierthaler, Margo St.James, Keri Rose, and Joe Heagney.


Approval of minutes

Hopkins moved, Edwards seconded approval of the minutes of the August 23, 2000 meeting as written.  Motion was unanimously carried.


Public access time

Discussion centered on a letter to the editor of the Islands’ Sounder from Gordon Fox, regarding a fatality at the Orcas Island Airport in the 1960’s, which was reportedly fence-related.


Treasurer’s Report

The Airport Manager presented the treasurer’s report dated 8/31/00. He also summarized the status on the overdue accounts:  Harbor Airlines, Wallace, and Methow Aviation. 


Communications and Airport Manager’s Report

The Airport Manager presented communications from WSDOT (Pavement Management Program); FAA (Legislative Mandated Safety Items); Cathy Vierthaler (letter in opposition to a perimeter fence); Barbara LaBrash (letter in opposition to a perimeter fence); Chris Gower (letter in opposition to a perimeter fence); WSDOT (land use compatibility letter); FAA/Jon Ikeda (accident report forms); Andre Souang(letter regarding Port liability and in support of fence); Orcas Island Fire Dept. (construction of a patient transfer shed).

Edwards moved, Abood seconded to allow the Orcas Island Fire District to construct a patient transfer shelter (per specifications and location outlined in letter dated 9/13/00). Motion was unanimously carried.

The Airport Manager reported on: 1) Harbor Airlines overdue account and monthly activity reports; 2) William Wallace account status and District Court judgment; 3) Northwest Chapter of Airport Executives and the Airport Management Association Annual Conference; 4) Hangar land development status; 5) Deer strike; 6) PAPI baffles; 7) Drainage contract and bids; 8) Memo dated 9/14/00 regarding deer control at the Airport.

During discussion of items 5 and 8, which were considered together,  Abood moved construction of a perimeter wildlife fence around Eastsound Airport.  Motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Abood wished to go on record recognizing the Port’s liability with regard to the Souang letter.

Edwards moved, Abood seconded authorizing the Airport Manager to spend up to $3500 to have the USDA trap and remove the resident deer and for deer deterrents.  Motion was unanimously carried.

The OAA offered $500 toward the $3500 approved to be used for deer control, which was graciously accepted by the Port Commissioners.


Unfinished Business

1.Perimeter fence; continued discussion. 

The Airport Manager presented an addendum to the summary of information presented at the August 23, 2000 meeting, which included: 1) the meeting with Jon Ikeda; 2) information regarding recent deer strikes;3) north end fence clearance problem; 4) private property access agreement-perimeter fence connection; 5) scope of work from MPD Engineering.


2. Private property settlement document; continued discussion.

A legal opinion regarding title by adverse possession or an easement by prescription was received from Gene Knapp, Port Counsel. Further discussion was scheduled for a future meeting 

Commissioner Abood wished to go on record for urging  Commissioners Hopkins and Gamble to engage other adjacent property owners in conversation regarding the private property settlement document.


3. 2001 Budget: hangar land site preparation option; memo on user fees and projected revenues; Finance Committee report, discussion, and work session schedule. 

After discussion of the above items, the options were scheduled to be discussed at the next regular meeting.  The Airport Manager was directed to provide more detailed descriptions of the options, including new options that included proposed property tax increases.  A timeline for the budget process was discussed.


New Business



Approval of Vouchers

Abood moved, Edwards seconded approval of August 2000 general fund expenditures in the amount of $4,616.25.  Motion was unanimously carried.

Abood moved, Edwards seconded approval of August 2000 capital fund expenditures in the amount of $1,970.91.  Motion was unanimously carried.


Adjournment and Next Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Commission was scheduled for 2:00 P.M. September 27, 2000 in the Port conference room.

Abood moved, Edwards seconded adjournment of the meeting at 9:40P.M.  Motion was unanimously carried.


 These minutes were approved and signed on October 27, 2000.  The original document is retained in the permanent proceeding file.  Attest:  Bea vonTobel, Operations Assistant.