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Minutes of the Regular Meeting

September 27, 2000


Call to order and confirmation of a quorum.

The meeting was called to order at  2:05P.M. in the Port conference room by Bob Gamble, Chairman.  A quorum was present.  Attending were: Bob Gamble, Steve Hopkins, Pete Walmsley, Al Edwards, Gary Abood, Duane Lunde, Bea vonTobel, Myrna Fant, Sharon Greer, Joe Heagney, Shirley Aggas, Julie Schwartz, Mary Slover, Dennis Riegel, Barbara Gourley.


Approval of minutes.

Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the September 14, 2000 minutes as written. Hopkins seconded, and the motion was unanimously carried.


Public access time.



Communications and Airport Manager’s Report

The Airport Manager presented communications from WPPA (Small Ports Conference); SJ County Administrative Services (I745); Washington State Weed Association (Weed conference). 

Hopkins moved, Edwards seconded authorizing the Airport Manager to attend the WPPA Conference October 27, 2000 with expenses covered up to $200.  Gamble, Hopkins, Edwards yea; Walmsley, Abood nay.  Motion carried.


The Airport Manager reported on: 1)Deer control status; 2)Jon Ikeda phone call confirming Orcas Island Airport as Primary Commercial Status; 3)Lois Brandt phone call regarding property sale relative to relocating north end fence.


New Business

1.Commissioner conduct during public meetings.  Commissioner Hopkins presented a statement outlining his position regarding Commissioner Abood’s behavior and language during the September 14, 2000 regular meeting, and several requests for action by the Commissioners. 

On a poll by Chairman Gamble, the Commissioners agreed that profanity is not acceptable from either Commissioners or the public during public meetings, and that persons using such language would be asked to leave the meeting.

Hopkins moved, Edwards seconded a public apology for the display of profanity and accompanying behavior by Commissioner Abood during the September 12, 2000 regular meeting.  Edwards, Gamble, Hopkins yea; Abood, Walmsley nay.  Motion passed.

Hopkins moved, Edwards seconded a public reprimand of Commissioner Abood regarding his language and behavior exhibited at the aforementioned meeting.  Edwards, Gamble, Hopkins yea; Abood, Walmsley nay.  Motion passed.

Hopkins moved writing a letter of apology to Judi Watson.  Motion failed for lack of a second.


Unfinished Business

1.Perimeter fence; continued discussion.  Discussion centered on the appearance of a possible conflict of interest regarding Commissioner Abood’s employment with Marlo, Inc. (an adjacent landowner) and the perimeter fence issue.  No action was taken by the Commissioners. 

Further discussion centered on soliciting comments from the public and establishing time limits for comments at the next regularly scheduled meeting, at which a vote on fencing the airport was scheduled  The Airport Manager was instructed to secure a larger meeting site.

The Operations Assistant was instructed to investigate publishing minutes of Port meetings on the appropriate website.

2.Private property settlement document; continued discussion.  Discussion was postponed until after a vote on fencing the Orcas Island Airport has been taken.

3. 2001 Budget; hangar land site preparation options, Finance Committee report, discussion, and work session schedule.  Discussion centered on the finance committee worksheets presented.  The Airport Manager and the finance committee will work up some additional scenerios and accompanying recalculations, to be summarized for the Commissioners and presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting.


Other Business

Walmsley moved, Abood seconded correction of the minutes of August 23, 2000 to reflect his yea vote regarding a 5’ wildlife fence, and the motion was unanimously carried.


Approval of Payroll or Vouchers

Abood moved, Edwards seconded approval of the September 2000 payroll in the amount of $4,517.57.  Motion was unanimously carried.


Adjournment and Next Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Commission was scheduled for October 12, 2000 at a location to be determined.

Chairman Gamble adjourned the meeting at 4:50P.M.



These minutes were approved and signed on October 12, 2000.  The original document is retained in the permanent proceeding file.  Attest: Bea vonTobel, Operations Assistant.