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Minutes of the Regular Meeting

October 25, 2000


Call to order and confirmation of a quorum.

The meeting was called to order at 2:04P.M. in the Port conference room by Bob Gamble, Chairman.  A quorum was present.  Attending were: Bob Gamble, Steve Hopkins, Pete Walmsley, Al Edwards, Gary Abood, Duane Lunde, Bea vonTobel, Joe Heagney, Howard Shirley.


Approval of minutes.

Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the October 12, 2000 meeting as written.  Hopkins seconded, and the motion was unanimously carried.


Public access time.



Communications and Airport Manager’s Report

The Airport Manager presented communications from the Washington State Auditor (upcoming audit)  and the San Juan County Permit Center (new fire station).


The Airport Manager reported on: 1)Deer deterrent status (action summary); 2)Damoth claim (deer strike); 3)Harbor Airlines (NSF check); 4)Publication of minutes on the Internet via Rock Island.


Commissioner Abood wished to go on record reiterating the fact that the Port may or may not be insured against damages (re Damoth claim).


The Operations Assistant was instructed write a letter of thanks to Rick and Myrna Fant for their help in getting the minutes online.


Unfinished Business

1.      Perimeter fence.

Walmsley moved to delete the last three conditions (highlighted with bullets) in the proposed Resolution #10-25-00, Construction of a Wildlife Perimeter Fence. Abood seconded the motion. The vote was: Gamble, Walmsley, Abood yea; Hopkins, Edwards nay.  Motion carried. This action deleted three conditions of the perimeter fence motion that was passed during the October 12, 2000 regular meeting.


Hopkins moved, Edwards seconded adoption of the amended Resolution #10-25-00. The vote was: Edwards, Hopkins, Gamble yea; Walmsley, Abood nay.  Motion carried.


Further discussion centered on erection of signs warning about deer on the runways.  No action was taken.


2.  Private property settlement document: status report.

Chairman Gamble announced that no meetings of the subcommittees had occurred since the last Port meeting and planned to schedule a meeting prior to the December Port meeting. Abood announced that he would present a proposal from some of the other property owners at the next regular meeting.


3. 2001 Budget:  Amend and finalize draft for November 2nd public hearing.

The Airport Manager presented the proposed 2001 Budget, noting several corrections.

Edwards moved, Hopkins seconded raising the Commissioner pay to $75.00 per diem beginning with the first November meeting.  The vote was: Edwards, Hopkins yea; Abood, Walmsley, Gamble nay.  Motion failed.


Abood moved, Walmsley seconded a property tax increase of $20,000 for the 2001 budget draft, to be placed in the capital improvement projects fund.  The vote was: Abood, Walmsley, Gamble yea; Edwards, Hopkins nay.  Motion carried.


Walmsley moved and Abood seconded adoption of the proposed 2001 Budget, with the corrections noted by the Manager and the approved increase in property taxes. The motion was unanimously carried.


4. 2001 tariffs:  Review summary and resolutions for presentation at the November 2, 2000 public hearing.

The Commissioners noted a correction to be made with one resolution and scheduled the vote for November 2, 2000.


New Business

1.  Review of the Airport Manager’s performance; request by Commissioner Abood.  This issue was postponed until the subcommittee collects data as required before the review date scheduled in December. Hopkins and Edwards were appointed to the committee to evaluate and summarize the Airport Manager’s performance. 


2.      Schedule of meetings for remainder of 2000.

The Commissioners agreed to the following: 

November 2nd at 7:30P.M.:  public hearing and regular meeting.

November 9th at 7:30P.M.:  regular meeting rescheduled to November 2, 2000

November 22nd at 2:00P.M.:  regular meeting canceled

December 14th at 7:30P.M.: regular meeting, to be continued on December 15th at 7:30P.M. if necessary

December 27th at 2:00P.M.:  regular meeting canceled.


Executive Session

In pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 g, review performance of, and requests from the Airport Manager.

Chairman Gamble announced at 4:10 P.M. that the Commission would convene into an executive session for approximately 20 minutes for the above purpose.


The regular Port meeting was reconvened at 4:30P.M.


Other Business

1.Vote on the Airport Manager’s requests from the executive session.

Reference: October 18, 2000 memo from Airport Manager and Job Description, Airport Manager, dated August 13, 1998.

Hopkins moved, Edwards seconded amending Responsibilities of Airport Manager, #4, to read: Prepares for scheduled Port meetings, records or arranges for recording of official minutes, and performs follow-up activities in a timely manner. The vote was: Gamble, Hopkins, Edwards, Walmsley yea; Abood nay.  Motion carried.


Edwards moved, Hopkins seconded amending Responsibilities of Airport Manager, #8, by adding:  This responsibility does not apply with any customer, Port Commissioner, or member of the public who exhibits behavior that: threatens, “alarms, annoys, or harasses; serves no legitimate or lawful purpose; that would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress and actually causes substantial emotional distress”. (wording from the State’s definition of unlawful harassment).  The vote was: Hopkins, Edwards, Gamble yea; Abood, Walmsley nay.  Motion carried.  Abood wished to go on record that it would be a criminal act if any of these aforementioned items occurred.


Hopkins moved, Edwards seconded amending Responsibilities of Airport Manager #18 to read: Recognizes hazards to the operation of aircraft on the ground and to people on airport property and takes appropriate actions authorized by the Commission. The vote was: Hopkins, Gamble, Edwards, Abood yea; Walmsley nay.  Motion carried.


No action was taken on item 2 of the Airport Manager’s memo.


On item 3 of the Airport Manager’s memo, it was a consensus of the Commissioners that they would attempt to plan workloads appropriately so that overtime would not be necessary, and that the Airport Manager would notify the Commissioners if and when work could not be completed in the timeframe expected, at which point this item would be revisited.


On item 4, Edwards moved, Hopkins seconded granting the second week in November as compensatory time off for the Airport Manager, and the motion was unanimously carried.


The Commissioners noted item 5 of the Airport Manager’s memo, but took no action.


Approval of Payroll

Abood moved, Walmsley seconded approval of the payroll for October 2000 in the amount of $5,346.68, and the motion was unanimously carried.


Adjournment and Next Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Commission was scheduled for November 2, 2000 at 7:30P.M. in the Port conference room.

Chairman Gamble adjourned the meeting at 5:08P.M.




These minutes were approved and signed on   The original document is retained in the permanent proceeding file.  Attest:  Bea vonTobel, Operations Assistant.