Sketching in the San Juans
~~~ and a bit beyond

by Barbara Meyer

$24.95, ISBN 0-88345-01-2
Paper Jam Publishing

Hold onto your heart as you step into the world of Barbara Meyer’s watercolor sketches.
Immerse yourself in the tranquility and serenity of every brush stroke as she shares her
keenness for empty, wind-swept beaches, new-mown hay and rough-wooded barns.
Smile out loud at her humorous and ironic observations of those pesky island birds
who insist in occupying every post and piling, especially if it says "No Trespassing."

This collection, gently lifted from her sketchbooks, represents the unique observations
of one woman’s 25-year journey through the timeless space of the San Juan Islands.
Pick up this book as often as you wish to find a new corner in which to visit and escape.
Take a deep breath and inhale the atmosphere.

See Barbara Meyer’s
other book
More Sketches ~ ~ Carmel to Orcas Island

Art, Northwest

To order, contact:
Darvill’s Book Store
P.O. Box 166  |  Eastsound, WA 98245
Phone: 360-376-2351
