Those Guys From Orcas
From left to right
 Paul Louden, Diane Walker, John Liger, Anna Tejada, Carl Burger, & Dan Sholl (front)
Carl Burger, baritone and guitarist for Those Guys, has lived on Orcas Island since 1992. His day job is to run Spring Bay Inn with his wife Sandy. Despite his declared "lack of musical training," he is a formidable musician with an outrageous sense of humor. He is also a gifted lyricist: his song parodies add spice to every TGFO concert.

Anna Tejada, tenor, loves to sing and it shows! She's been singing along with Broadway musicals since she was a child, but it was only after she came to Orcas that she found the courage to sing in public. Perhaps best known for  her performance as Nellie in South Pacific, Anna also sings with Beloved Child, a local group which performs original Christian songs. She is also a talented painter.

Diane Walker sang tenor in the Shaw Island Chorale for three years before moving to Orcas, but her work with Those Guys from Orcas is both her first experience in a small group and her first experience singing "the high part." Walker, a photographer, has been singing in school, church, and community choirs since the age of three. She has also studied clarinet, piano, and bassoon.

Paul Louden, bass, provides a solid bottom to the group. Paul's musical background includes glee clubs, church choirs, and the West Valley Communty Chorale of Saratoga, well a marching bands, drum and bugle corps, and light opera. Paul says he's retired, but we know better!

Dan Sholl, lead tenor, is the newest member of the group. A gifted woodworker with a sweet voice and a gift for making unusual musical instruments, Dan brings an enthusiasm for music and an appreciation for the musical heritage of other cultures to his work with Those Guys from Orcas.

John Liger, bass/baritone and artistic director/founder of the group, has been singing since the age of three. His mom is still a talented pianist at age 87, and his dad was a professional singer on the radio. He has sung pop, gospel, and the classics, but his deepest love is for jazz. After a long career in business, he began singing professionally in 1995 and is in constant demand in the islands and beyond.

Call 360-376-4784 to arrange bookings or email
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