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Calendar for Sept/Oct, 2011


Sept. 6 - Church Office Closed for Labor Day
Sept. 7 -Holden Evening Prayer & Potluck at 5:30
Sept. 8 - Day School begins 2011-2012 Year
Sept. 9 - ECW Brown Bag Luncheon at Noon
Sept. 10 - Memorial Service for Judy Packard at 11:00
Sept. 11 - All Parish Action-Vision Meeting after 10:30 service.
Sept. 14 - Vestry Meeting at 4:30 in Gryphon Hall
Sept. 24 - Mt. Baker Region Ministry Resource Day in Bellingham
Sept. 25 - Day School Board Meeting after 10:30 service
Oct. 5 - Holden Evening Prayer & Potluck at 5:30
Oct. 8 - Parish Work Day from 1-4 pm followed by potluck BBQ
Oct. 14 - ECW Brown Bag Luncheon at Noon
Oct. 21-22 - Diocesan Convention in Lynnwood

Ongoing Activities
Noon-1:00- Al-Anon Group in the Teen Room

10:00-11:00- Adult Bible Study in Gryphon Hall

5:30-7:00- Holden Evening Prayers and Potluck (1st. Wed. of month only)
Noon-2:00- ECW Brown Bag Luncheon in the Undercroft (2nd. Wed of month only)
5:30-7:00- Church Night Meal & Activities for All Ages (3rd Wed. of month only)

5:15-6:30- Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
7:30-8:30 Al-Anon & Al-Ateen Groups in Gryphon Hall

7:00-8:30- AA Group in the Undercroft

8:00- Holy Eucharist (Morning Prayer with Eucharist last Sunday of Month)
10:30- Holy Eucharist
10:30- Godly Play Class for Children in Gryphon Hall
10:30- Teen Youth Group meets in the Teen Room in Gryphon Hall
3:00-4:30- Shawl Ministry Group in Gryphon Hall (1st Sun. of month only)